Managing Your Website

Some people create a website for the business and then sort of forget that it is there. But it’s a mistake to ignore your website – remember that it is your ‘first impression’ to the customer.
Like a car that needs regular oil changes, so too your website needs regular attention.
Management Services

Website Maintenance
Running your business is usually more important than running the website and we can help with that.
Do what you do best and run the company – and let us do what we do best; run your website!

Website Training
We usually use WordPress which means you can learn to manage your own website. Edit pages or menus, update content, change out images; with just a little training and motivation you can save money by doing it yourself.
We can train you how, and then after will always be around to answer questions or to assist if necessary.

Website Updates
Adding new pages, adding new products, or just updating the page content; websites need regular updating.
With just an email we can have your website updated as you specify. Or if its complicated lets screen share so you can show us what you want.

Website Analytics
Every website should include Google Analytics so that you get website statistics on your visitors – because it’s free!
Where did they come from? What pages did they visit? How long did they read the page? Knowing what people do on your website tells you if its working, or not.

A/B Testing
How can you easily find out what works best? Show them two different versions of the element and see what happens.
Different color buttons? More images or more text? Or even a whole different page? A/B testing is how you find out. And you’ll be amazed at how little it costs.

Page Optimization
Optimizing a webpage refers to setting it up in such a way that the search engines like Google will find it and present it to people in their search results.
The key is to know what keyword you want that page found for. And we can optimize the page so that it performs its very best.

Website Audits
You make an amazing website and you’re very happy – we know the feeling! But then a year passes, or maybe two, and things degrade. Browsers get updated, company focus can shift, and performance can begin to drift.
We can audit a website and quickly tell you if the website is having any “issues” that need addressed.